Estaño, un metal ecoamigable. Aleación de estaño para reducir la contaminación de los motores y las emisiones nocivas

octubre 21, 2016 4:12 pm Publicado por Deja tus comentarios
A recent field trial in Malaysia, carried out by ITRI, indicated that the use of tin alloy pellets added to fuel can have positive results on fuel saving and exhaust emissions. The emission reduction and fuel saving was identified using eleven different engines. Stringent targets are in place worldwide to cut pollution from engines and improve fuel economy as governments urgently try to reduce harmful emissions as well as our dependence on fossil fuels. At the same time a surprisingly simple technology based on adding tin alloys into fuel tanks or fuel lines has for many years claimed to reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emissions in engines.

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Esta entrada fue escrita porFernando Parodi

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